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Illumination also gives something back to you. As you focus on what you are doing, your breathing slows down and your mind focuses intently on what you are doing. In that moment it can feel like a form of meditation as your awareness is taken away from your surroundings and attuned with what you are creating. You become filled with a tranquility and peace that is a respite from the hustle and bustle of life.

Here are some of my classes in action. I teach medieval drawing and painting techniques, knotwork, gold leafing, calligraphy and much more. We compare the styles and colours and patterns of Romanesque, Gothic, Armenian and Celtic illumination. Students are taken on a journey where they discover sometimes hidden talents within themselves, and gain an amazing insight into the wondrous world of Medieval illuminated manuscripts. As they begin to paint the borders, learn calligraphy and how to gold leaf, a whole new appreciation for this artform is developed.

These are samples of my

student’s work below.

I have dabbled in lots of different creative mediums looking for something that I can feel passionate about and exploring the art of illumination has been a fun and interesting journey. Tania is a great teacher. I would recommend her illumination classes to anyone, she works with you at your own individual level and at your own pace and will gently challenge you to improve. She is very patient and a skillfull artist. Her art speaks for itself. Prepare to have your illusions about not being competent enough challenged. You will realise that what looks hard is quite doable when she shows you step by step how to create beautiful pieces of your own. Thank you Tania for helping me to improve and sharpen my skills. I think I have found what I want to do...


Tania has immersed herself not only in the art of illumination but also in the history and culture of the period. Her own work is exquisite. She gives very generously of her knowledge and expertise which makes the learning experience for her students so enjoyable and rewarding.  


The most rewarding thing for me as a teacher is to hear people say,
”Oh! I can’t do that,”
then I watch their faces as they
realize that they CAN do it.
Illumination can be very daunting to the person starting out, but like many things in life, it is about breaking it down
into smaller pieces and feeling comfortable with each of the pieces, then seeing how they all fit together.
It is also a discipline that does require much practice if you wish to master it.


Illumination also gives something back to you. As you focus on what you are doing, your breathing slows down and your mind focuses intently on what you are doing. In that moment it can feel like a form of meditation as your awareness is taken away from your surroundings and attuned with what you are creating. You become filled with a tranquility and peace that is a respite from the hustle and bustle of life.

" That was a very special weekend !  Never ever thought
I had that in me.
Thank you for encouraging a new talent to emerge.  I've had so much praise for my work and every time I look at the first piece it is like a “pinch yourself moment” ... like don't forget you really did do that! I am very keen to do more of your workshops. Thank you for a totally absorbing and fulfilling workshop. "


"I will take you step by step through the process and you will be amazed at what you can achieve!




I created this video as a tribute to all the work that my students have done over the years.

I have been teaching illumination for over 30 years. From short one hour classes to three day workshops, I have taught hundreds of people the beautiful art of illumination.




I offer both live classes and pre-recorded workshops online.

Illumination workshops

First time

