Live classes are a wonderful experience as you get to interact with other students and get instant feedback on your work. They are also a great opportunity to ask questions and see me demonstrating techniques.


An awesome weekend was had by all at the double illumination workshop at the Abbey Medieval Festival, Australia 2022.


Day one was learning Romanesque illumination by painting a dragon "S" and learning basic painting skills and how to apply gold leaf.

Day two was a more advanced class focusing on how to draw fifteenth century figures and drapery.

Abbey Medieval Festival, Australia 2022

Abbey Medieval Festival, Australia 2022

Finnish Calligraphy Symposium

Summer in Oulu 2022

This three day workshop at the Limika School of Arts saw students learning how to create Italian white vine illuminated letters and borders with gold leaf.

Below you can see some of my previous live classes

More live classes in Finland and Europe coming soon...

Finnish Calligraphy Society Summer Symposium 2023 at Kristiinankaupunki

A fabulous three day event, team teaching with calligraphy teacher Pauliina Yliniitty. Students produced an illuminated page in the Uncial style, learning both the calligraphy and illumination from this period.