
Peace in this world is something that we all long for, yet it could be achieved overnight if each individual cultivated peace within their heart and mind. Being more aware of how we think, speak and act towards others in our life will bring not only peace to ourselves but filter into mass consciousness bringing about the changes we all so desperately desire. BE the change that you want to see in the world.

After a break of eight years from illuminating, this was the first piece that instigated the second phase of my illuminations. In this phase, I began using my own words rather than quoting others. It was created as a project for my Illumination students on Tamborine Mountain.

Inspired by the artwork in the Winchester Bible written  in the twelfth century.

Words by Tania Crossingham

Hand painted on goatskin paper using watercolours, ink and embellished with gold gouache.  

Original Image size 21 x 30 cm

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