Love is the most powerful of all forces. It is the glue that holds the very fabric of the universe together and the uniting principle between all creation. As emanations from the Divine, this love is at the heart of each of us. I am not speaking of the sappy and marketable commodity that humanity has created under the label of “Love”, but the guiding force that allows us to move beyond our humanity and touch our divinity. It is the ability to see that same divinity within all others and treat everyone with respect, compassion and dignity, knowing that we are all part of each other.
The Text is taken from 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8
This type of illumination and calligraphy is based on works from eighth century France. This style is Merovingian.
Hand painted on calfskin parchment using Watercolours and ink
Original Image size 19 x 19 cm
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