Our daily lives are so bombarded with noise and constant stimulation that we sometimes feel completely overloaded. It is so beneficial for our well being to step away from the clutter of life into the simplicity and tranquility of silence. To honour ourselves by making the time to do this is a powerful act of self love. There are so many ways to enjoy the silence, whether it be a cup of tea while reflecting on the day, a walk in nature to absorb it's beauty, or a meditation to connect with a deeper aspect of who we are. If we can embrace this practice of enjoying the void of silence without having the need to cram things into it, and take some slow, deep breaths, then we can feel our mind and emotions begin to settle. The more we can make time to embrace the silence, the easier it is to hear the whispering of the soul as it guides us on our path through life.

Inspired by designs from fifteenth century manuscripts

Gouache and gold leaf on deerskin parchment

Original artwork size: 20 x 19 cm


Embrace the silence

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