As Above so Below

That which is above is as that which is below; the physical mirroring the spiritual. We are made in the image of God, not in a physical sense, but energetically. All of us carry within, the ability to use our will and intelligence to be powerful creators, show unconditional love to ourselves and those around us and live in a balanced state of harmony and peace. When we make a conscious choice to align ourselves to the Divine, then these attributes within us can create amazing change in our lives and the world around us.

Inspired by designs from the fifteenth century book of hours entitled
"the Hours of Joanna I of Castille (The London Rothschild Prayerbook)

Words by Tania Crossingham

Hand painted on calfskin parchment using watercolours, gouache, ink and embellished with gold leaf.

Original Image size 13 x 17 cm  

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As Above so Below